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  • The Light Troops are one of the largest, strongest, and most experienced armies in all of Club Penguin. The Light Troops Army of Club Penguin was created in 2010. The Light Troops Stand tall and protect Club Penguin from its invaders. We are a unique army, we give out coin rewards and codes after our battles we also have a chat! Join our discord to become a Light Troop!

  • Defend Ice Box

  • Archives

New domain

I tried to renew our old domain but it appears that someone else has bought it. I didn’t want the Light Troops site to be lost on Google so I got a new domain (cppiratearmys.com). All Light Troops archives is still on this site.

To Tober/Epic: I’ve finally got a new working bot script, sorry it took too long. I won’t be able to lead this army now (college has resumed for me) but perhaps we can do a little Light Troops reunion next month. If you guys want to help me with getting this website back on Google then leave a comment.

Night Warriors – Sad! Toysoldier – Sad!

Wow! The haters and losers in the Night Warriors have to inflate their sizes, because they get embarrassingly low sizes – ON 5 BARS! Sad! CPAC is the real fake news!




Also, NW leader xxtoysoldier sent me some edgy messages then attempted to DDoS me! Very edgy! However, it did not work and he PCed me on Xat in an autistic fit of rage asking me why I didn’t go offline! He was very scared, believe me!

For those of you who don’t know – the NW leader xxtoysoldier is 13 years of age and also has very high functioning autism. I really do hope that he can make some friends and overcome his social anxiety, but for now good luck Toy! Sad!

Why I Believe the Light Troops are The Greatest

This post is just my opinion on why I believe the Light Troops is the greatest army to ever exist.

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Drmatt – The Wannabe Legend

Drmatt is a traitor. This kid is a joke.

Umm Drmatt, aren’t you the guy that was gonna pay hundreds for a Club Penguin Army Website legend vote?

HoF Updated

DrMatt has been removed from legend, he never really was a LT legend. Gurlygurl has been added to LT’s Hall of Fame. Congrats!

RANT: DrMatt


*This post will be deleted in a week, just wanted to get this off my chest.

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Goodbye – Final Event Results

Hey-o LT, This is surprisingly the final event of the Light Troops to have ever happened. This is…. the end….. I will miss every single one of you. It was a pleasure to be an owner in such an amazing army and especially to work with people like Waterkid, Jessie, Tober & Tot/Revan. We did well in this final battle as we maxed 40+ with good tactics. I thank everyone who came to this battle and I hope you all have good luck in your futures. Shine With Victory.

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Beating NW on Ice Rink – RESULTS –

Hey-o, LT, We logged on to Ice Rink for the huge battle on Ice Rink with the Night Warriors. They were small and frail. They maxed a mere 15. They kept doing jokes to make themselves look big. The Light Troops maxed 55+ and destroyed them. They were puny and hid in small rooms like the Mine Shack and the Beach. This was a Light Troops Victory.

** I lost all the pics from plaza because of shockwave flash crashing **

Lockouts while we were at town.


[60] 6 Month Membership Codes


2194 6924 8952 1987
3038 4273 7340 5603
2515 7667 8368 4506
1708 9872 9425 1342
6554 6884 9591 1555
1595 6777 1726 9026
5781 6916 0338 6688
5639 2982 2688 7474
4527 0469 6334 3385
4788 3421 6832 1743
0126 5249 9653 2687
5825 2919 2952 7878
8133 9692 5751 0043
9033 6380 9013 5588
6508 3588 2993 7732
5315 4620 2048 9939
5559 3221 9982 1807
2884 1525 3655 1282
8516 4945 1443 9233
8105 2302 4783 1038
5854 3439 8122 6030
0720 7302 5688 0387
4798 0934 3225 0381
6016 6383 4192 2790
3899 0949 7916 1031
5841 5082 5817 8999
2867 3569 4116 9602
8256 6530 6339 9722
1003 0179 5998 0457
6674 1853 0312 0103
2313 8996 1112 9868
8647 2841 6741 6777
9075 1945 2509 1767
7517 1668 9841 6740
1257 4847 9473 9425
9473 6120 5835 4811
6952 6895 2471 7586
8960 8741 3584 8713
1397 6900 3996 5013
7995 6485 7526 0630
4116 8138 5326 9160
8271 4839 2168 4826
0555 8134 4305 6441
7694 6510 9466 6235
6688 0039 4924 4540
9390 2251 8212 8159
8799 8792 6003 2952
7972 1020 4984 7296
6329 5177 5088 4825
3244 5411 7327 4720
9213 5198 7400 6226
5917 2717 0572 3164
5109 3942 1986 2667
0900 9304 2241 2838
9990 3354 5677 2570
0455 9626 7170 5741
2341 0693 6175 3393
4819 2951 2680 4026
4973 6989 4792 2768
5414 5197 8936 2411

Thank you BsM

[UK] Pre-Battle Training on Ice Rink

We logged onto Ice Rink for some Pre-Battle training. We had good sizes and tactics. We maxed 45+. LT Forever.